Uri L’Tzedek Wankers Threaten to Begin Eating Kosher Meat for Kosher Boycott

Yes that’s right, McDonalds of the Upper West Side, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah students for the first time might actually keep Kosher, at least long enough to boycott Rubashkin’s Agriprocessors for being mean to Cows and Mexicans.

It’s a fun paradox that the creative school of Judaism, whose only Kosher meat probably has to be brought in by Rabbi Avi Weiss, will now threaten to not buy kosher meat from Agriprocessors. Yeah I’m sure Rubashkin is losing a lot of money from the Vegan and Conservadox crowd.

Every time the JTA runs another Cowmeat story on Agriprocessors and the threatened Boycott of Doom from Uri L’Tzedek, better known as a bunch of useless wankers from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, 4 of whom might actually know what Kosher even is, I can’t help laughing my ass off.

Uri L’Tzedek threatening a boycott of Agriprocessors is like me threatening a boycott of Tofu. It’s empty posturing by a bunch of useless wankers with goat beards who find learning Gemara and being Rabbis too boring, so they have to create Uri L’Tzedek, their very own useless social justice organization in preparation for figuring out how to get some real grant money and then write their own book or maybe run for Congress.

I’m no fan of Agriprocessors but the demographic there is people who want affordable Kosher meat, not people who spend all night worrying about whether Mexican illegal aliens are happy with their jobs. That’s what rich dumbass limousine liberals and their idiot sons who form Uri L’Tzedek do and they don’t eat Kosher meat, except when they’re busy posturing about their phony boycotts.

So sure gang, chow down on more of that delicious tofu. Pile on the wheatgrass. After all you wouldn’t want to be mean to cows and I’m sure no Mexicans were harmed in the making of your Birkenstocks. I realize you guys at Uri L’Tzedek are really all fired about this, I don’t mean the Mexican cow stuff, just the “getting your names in the paper” stuff. After all the biggest triumph for a bunch of useless wankers is becoming nationally known and respected useless wankers.

Which is why it’s in our interest to keep mocking them until they go away.