There Are No Perfect Families


That’s my initial response to the barrage of stories and blog posts second guessing Sarah Palin’s life as a working mother. I’m not defending her here, frankly I don’t care about her. If she ever runs for President, i Might. What I care about is the sense of entitlement that leads people to pass judgment on the lives and families of women they have never met, whose kitchen tables they have never sat at, whose families grow up thousands of miles away from them.

The nomination of Sarah Palin as VP has served as an excuse for a bunch of the usual types to drag out their rhetoric against working mothers.

First up is Mother of the Year, Dr. Laura, who let her own mother’s corpse rot in her apartment for weeks, followed by a whole lot of other folks who think that they get veto power over someone else’s life.

We live in a sick celebrity centered culture, a global gossip village that makes people feel entitled to judge someone else’s personal life, just because they’ve seen her on television. A narcissistic celebrity centered culture lets an overstimulated public project their own egos on famous people, root for them and then destroy them.

It’s part of the Palin phenomenon, but not the whole of it. It’s part of why people feel entitled to judge someone else’s family they never even met, whose living room they never sat in, whose ups and downs they have never been a part of.

The whole of it is gossip. It’s the same old snide whispers and judgementalism masquerading under a self-righteous facade of concern for the traditional family. But they don’t mean a “traditional family”, they mean a perfect family, a family where nothing ever goes wrong, where no one ever has sex before marriage and mistakes are never made. But I’ve got news for you, that family doesn’t exist.

Every family has things wrong. Yes even the traditional families. Even the ones with white tableclothes and perfect family photographs. Perfect families try to maintain the illusion so they won’t be judged. And that’s where we get the traditional family, some perfect beacon that’s supposed to uphold that standard we can all be bowed under and gossiped about when we slip.

None of what I’m saying is an open door to do what you like, it’s a realistic assessment of the imperfect family. We all fall down. We all have to try and get up again, as well as we can, which is tough as hell to do in public.

It’s up to the family to make it work. It’s not up to any of us to pass judgement on how they make it work.

Professor Yaakov Rabkin , Israel Bashing Pro-Terrorist Asshat

In the gallery of terrorist collaborating asshats, you’ve got your basic Neturei Karta crazies whose monthly doses of horse trankies were paid for by their buddy Arafat and today by their buddy Mahmoud. Yaakov M. Rabkin can’t handle wearing the whole heavy Neturei Karta getup, but he still goes around on an antisemitic tour of the world, lecturing on the glories of Mahmoud’s NK buttboys, while aspiring to be one himself.

Wearing a flimsy yarmulke to shore up his credentials as a guy wearing a flimsy yarmulke, Yaakov Rabkin does his part to promote Iran’s nuking of Israel. Some of the Neturei Karta genuinely believe Israel is evil, gutter trash like Yaakov Rabkin though just don’t think that one Holocaust was enough. He’s a leftie trying to cloak his promotion of terrorism in religion. Too bad he doesn’t have much in the way of religion besides hating Israel and the Jewish people with all his might.

Listen to Yaakov Rabkin spew his lies on behalf of his beloved Ayatollahs

While Iran has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty and publicly refused to develop nuclear weapons, Israel possesses such weapons and has not signed the treaty. Moreover, Iran has not attacked another country for centuries.

Yeah, Iran signed a bunch of human rights treaties too. It’s not like they behead minors or rape women in prisons or shoot them in public spectacles. Oops. They do.

Iran hasn’t attacked another country for centuries. Just last year when Iranian backed Hizbollah terrorists attacked Israel. Oh and there’s Iran’s attacks on US troops in Iraq. Iran’s attacks on British’s ships in the gulf. Then there was the 1998 Iranian attack on US ships in the Gulf. The Iranian bombing of the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, I bet Yaakov Rabkin giggles like a schoolgirl every time he thinks of all those dead Jews and can’t wait for a repeat.

I wonder whether Yaakov M Rabkin seriously think that if Iran pulls something like this on Montreal, that they’ll give him advance notice or something, just because he does their work for them? He might want to remember that when the Kapos did their work, they got gassed just the same. When the Yevesktsia did their work, they got shot by the KGB. If Iran bombs a Jewish center in Montreal, the guilty will die with the innocent, and by the guilty I mean pro-terrorist sewer filth like Yaakov M. Rabkin who spreads lies on behalf of the murderers of Jews.

To justify an assault on Iran, one has to present the Iranian president as an anti-Semite. While overtly anti-Zionist, he is not anti-Jewish. Indeed, had he been anti-Semitic, he would harass Iran’s Jews rather than challenge a nuclear-armed regional power.

Oh yeah, it’s not like most Iranian Jews haven’t run away, while the small remainder live closely watched by the Iranian secret police. It’s not like Iran hasn’t imprisoned the Jewish leadership of entire communities in Iran, which live in terror of being identitied with Israel.

But Yaakov Rabkin loves Iran because they oppress Sefardim but roll out the red carpet for his AshkeNAZI NK buddies (“Ve Luv Ahdolf, He vus Anti-Zionist layk ahs”).

Don’t worry Yaakov Rabkin, Iran does its share of oppressing Jews and planning to wipe out millions of Jews in Israel. Now you do’t have to pick and choose, you can have the best of both anti-semitic worlds, if you can get up off your knees before Mahmoud long enough to embrace it.

One should not mistake a wish to see a regime change for a physical threat to Israeli civilians.

“DEATH TO ISRAEL. No, no, we mean we want regime change in Israel. That is why we are developing nuclear weapons for ahhh… regime change. Yes regime change with nuclear weapons, ah to hell with it, DEATH TO ISRAEL IN A REGIME CHANGE SORT OF WAY.”

The Kapos in Poland were hoping for a limo to the gas chamber. Does Professor Yaakov M. Rabkin expect a limo to a radioactive wasteland?

Like many non-Zionist Jews, he wants Israel to evolve from a state for the Jews – a major source of the Israel/Palestine conflict – to an inclusive state of all its citizens.

Yes, see what a nice guy Mahmoud is. He wants to make Israel “inclusive”, “a state for all its citizens”, that’s why he’s developing nuclear weapons. To bring about regime change that will make Israel “inclusive.”

Right now Israel is exclusively all about living Jews. Mahmoud would like to change that. Yaakov Rabkin would like to help him change that, or at least sell his books to the Eurotrash Keffiyah wearers.

And when Israel includes only dead Jews and a Professor Yaakov Rabkin Memorial Crematorium then the conflict will be solved.

There are only two things to say Yaakov M. Rabkin or should that be Esau M. Rabkin?

Bekol Dor Va Dor Omdim Aleinu Lekolteinu. Velamalshinim Al Tehi Tikva, VeKol HaRishaa Kerega Toveidu, VeKol Oivei Amcha Meheira Yekoreitu.

Oh i forgot a third thing, You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye. You’ve opted out of the Jewish people. you’ve opted to be an overseer, a Kapo, a collaborator, a Yevesktsia, a liberal appeaser and an evil little smirking shmuck who reads lectures to anti-semites, sells books, puts the money in the bank and thinks that all will be well with him. I’m sure the money keeps you warm at night, but you’ll need a whole fireproof suit of it where you’re going, where the flames never die and the fire burns forever.

Give our regards to Datan, Aviram and Amram when you get there.

Congressman Robert Wexler Fighting to Protect Iran from the US Marines

Professional politician and lying sack of crap Congressman Robert Wexler is one of the Democratic party’s most visible “Pro-Israel Politicians” which means he’s constantly sponsoring and pushing meaningless resolutions that don’t accomplish squat except to convince his senile Florida constituents that he’s a “nice Jewish boy” fighting for Israel.

But Bobby Wexler may show one face to Bubbe and Zaidy in Miami Beach, but he shows a whole other one to his left wing buddies over in Huffington Post and he’s written a whole article over there about his fight to protect Iran… from America.

See Robert Wexler created a phony toothless resolution against Iran, House Concurrent Resolution 362, which basically states that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, supports Hamas and Hizbullah, and wants to destroy Israel and the best response is to stop doing business with Iranian banks and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and calls on the President to bring some diplomacy to the table. Scary yeah, I bet it made Mahmoud practically piss his pants at the thought of all that diplomacy. How’s he ever gonna nuke Israel now?

Because House Concurrent Resolution 362 is so toothless lots of Democrats have had no problem backing it, including Obama. It’s a safe way to be visibly pro-Israel while doing squat. But House Concurrent Resolution 362 has still outraged the Netroots who are behind the Obama campaign. And no Dem politician wants to Liebermaned or Hillaried when they try to run for higher office. So we’ve got Congressman Robert Wexler writing about his fight to protect Iran.

In the coming weeks, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, of which I am a member, may vote on House Concurrent Resolution 362. Given my growing concerns regarding this resolution, including its failure to advocate for direct American engagement with Tehran and open language that could lead to a US blockade of Iran, I will lead an effort to make changes to this resolution before it comes to the Foreign Affairs committee for a vote. Despite being a cosponsor of this resolution — these changes will ultimately determine whether or not I will continue to support H. Con. Res. 362.

So Robert Wexler (AKA lying sack of crap) phony Orthodox Jew and Obama’s biggest whore in Florida, is now worried that HORROR OF HORRORS, the resolution he co-sponsored might lead to a boycott of Iran. And he’ll be damned if that happens.

Apparently we misunderstood his resolution, which was supposed to focus on lots of diplomacy with Iran and some face saving gestures that everyone would ignore. But now Robert Wexler is fighting to water down the resolution even more, fighting for Iran while representing Florida.

Now Robert Wexler will no longer vote for his own resolution, but you can bet he’ll be taking credit for it down in Florida during the election as he does what lying sack of crap politicians always do on Israel, talk out of both sides of his lying little mouth.

Given my intense distrust of President Bush and his administration’s disastrous foreign policy record, I also sponsored legislation (H. R. 3119), which if passed into law would prohibit the use of funds for military operations in Iran unless authorized by Congress and prevents the president from unilaterally going to war.

Bet Bobby won’t be talking up H.R. 3119 next time he’s pressing Bubby’s hand and telling her how he’s working to stop Iran from carrying out a second Holocaust. But it’s what Robert Wexler is really about, fighting to protect Iran from the US Marines.

Robert Wexler doesn’t give a crap if Iran nukes Israel tomorrow. What he cares about is kissing ass and getting ahead. So he’ll play his Jewish voters for suckers while kissing left wing ass and taking Nobama on a tour of the Synagogues. He’ll co-sponsor a resolution against Iran while sponsoring another one to protect Iran. Amorality thy name is Robert Wexler.

The language that is most disconcerting in the resolution is the third resolved clause, which demands that the president initiate among several things an “international effort to impose stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran.”

Yeah, because you wouldn’t actually want to impose real sanctions on Iran or make a serious effort to keep Iran from going nuclear, do you Bobby?

To that end, I am not willing to leave even the “slightest crack” open for this president to unilaterally set this nation down another disastrous path of war in Iran.

There’s your final note. That’s Congressman Robert Wexler, the real whore behind the phony nice Jewish boy facade. That’s the quote that should be played over and over again to his Florida district come election day.

JewsOnFirst Wants Jews Dead First

According to JewsOnFirst, the Republican Jewish Coalition committed a horrible crime, they sent out a copy of a book called Stand With Israel and a DVD of Obsession, a movie about Radical Islamic terrorism. You can’t see why a normal person would have a problem with this, but it’s obvious why JewsOnFirst would have a problem with this. Because JewsOnFirst wants Jews dead, first.

JewsOnFirst keeps squealing that Obsession is an Anti-Muslim film without actually providing any proof of it. But after all any movie that actually talks about Muslim terrorism has to be hateful to JewsOnFirst, Obama’s biggest squealing lapdogs.

To the JewsOnFirst type of Anti-Jew, it’s Israel and Jewish identity that’s the real threat, not Islam. Any Jew who goes so far as to care enough about Israel and other Jews to stand up to Muslim terrorism makes them look bad in front of their Unitarian son in law.

It’s ironic that JewsOnFirst claims to be for the first amendment and they’re the ones cynically attacking free speech when it interferes with Obama’s candidacy or the ability of their Muslim buddies to kill Jews. The two are redundant I know.

This is What Happens When Foreigners Staff Hospitals

America is the country of immigrants, except unfortunately these days it’s the country of illiterate immigrants handling services in English, a language they don’t actually speak.

Me: (calling hospital) “Hello I’d like to make an appointment to Dr. XYZ”

Heavily Accented Asian Lady: “What department is he in.”

Me: “I don’t know. He’s a GP. General Practitioner.”

Heavily Accented Asian Lady: “GP. Ah, ok. GP department.”

And there went another chunk of my day. I’ve been to a post office that has staff based on race and ethnicity, not based on competence. The very nice Chinese man at the package window CANNOT READ ENGLISH. He barely speaks English. I have no idea how he passed his civil service exam but he could not actually read what was written on the packages. Getting a package from him, if you weren’t Chinese was a long grueling process. The last time it took 15 minutes until he finally got another Chinese lady who can read English but who was openly rude and hostile, telling people to leave and not come back.

When government facilities and hospitals cant seem to find anyone to record messages who doesn’t speak with a heavy accent, there’s something seriously wrong.

Democrats Exploiting Tom Lantos’s Death

Tom Lantos barely got done dying when Democrats who now have to drag the anti-semitic and anti-israel racist Obama to the Jewish community for their Presidential vote, are busy shamelessly exploiting Lantos’ death to bash conservatives.

There’s a great hue and cry over comments Michael Savage made about Lantos exploiting the Holocaust and another over Republicans conducting protests that interfered with a Lantos memorial. These invocations of Tom Lantos, THE ONLY HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR IN THE SENATE, is supposed to make Jews ignore that the Democratic nominee presumptive, Obama, would be happy to make another Holocaust for his Iranian and Nation of Islam friends in Israel.

But anyone who remembers FDR knows that democrats like dead Jews more than they like live ones and so they really love Tom Lantos.

I’m not mad at Lantos and he didn’t exploit being a Holocaust survivor any differently than Kerry, McCain exploited being Vets or Obama exploits being black or Hillary exploits being a woman. But Senator Lantos was more of a Mormon than he was a Jew.

Lantos’ wife was a Mormon. His kids are Mormons. His grandkids are Mormons. Lantos has attended Mormon services. Ethnically Lantos may have been Jewish but in practice he was part of a Mormon family with a Mormon heritage. He was generally pro-Israel except for his Syrian mission, but Democrats who try to play on Jewish sympathies over a Mormon Senator should think twice. Yes, Tom Lantos was THE ONLY HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR IN THE SENATE. But I care more about who’s going to be the Senator who’s going to STAND AGAINST THE NEXT HOLOCAUST.

Lantos is dead, I’m not going to spit on his grave, besides deserting the Jewish people, he was a generally decent politician. I’m sure his Mormon kids will be saying Mormon Kaddish for him. I’d rather not see the Democrats win so I don’t have to be saying Kaddish for a few million Jews in Israel.

Thank you.

Jews for Hitler

I have zero doubt that if Hitler came back from the dead today, came out for abortion and gay rights and ran on the Democratic Party line, that within hours there would be Jews for Hitler springing up all over the place and bogus fact sheets debunking any wacky ideas that Hitler is anti-semitic.

How do I know that? Take a damn look at how many Jews are crowding up to bend their knees for Obama and Hillary. To find two greater enemies of the Jewish people running on the Democratic line, you would have to go back to the 19th century or the Carter election.

I’m not even going to talk about any sense of shame because these people don’t have any. Simcha Felder will rush out to support Obama without caring that he’s a racist who hates Jews. Brooklyn and Lakewood will cut checks for Hillary Clinton without caring how much Jewish blood in Israel that vile couple have on their hands. Bring on Farrakhan, bring on Hitler, bring on Stalin, bring on anybody as long as the Machers and the Activists can get their foot one more step of the ladder already slick with their brothers’ blood. These Cains’ with dollars and rolodex’s clutched in their filthy little hands have been strangling the Jewish people for too long.

I hate liberal Jews. Liberal Jews are the bastard children of the Enlightment, a plague of self-hating rats scurrying away from their Jewishness and doing their best to be good Universalists or Christian Scientists. Unlike most plagues Liberal Jews are breeding themselves out of the Jewish people and doing as much damage as they can until they go home to their Chinese and Methodist grandchildren.

I hate slimy frum machers who are honored at dinners and everyone talks about what they do for the Community and by Community they mean other machers. They lie, cheat and steal. They’re our politicians and we can’t get rid of them, no more than anyone else has figured out how to get rid of their politicians. Their talleisim are trimmed with silver and their souls with festering rot.

Give me a junkie, a whore, an adulterer and a thief over a macher and a liberal Jew, because any of them have more integrity. Lift this curse from us O Lord and return us to our land as in the days of old.

Brenda Hogg and Hassidic Handshaking

For anyone who has been following the story of Brenda Hogg, the deputy mayor of Richmond Hill, who attended a ceremony with some Chabad Rabbis who refused to shake her hand and then promptly denounced them. The National Post has been weighing in with regular tirades by Barbara Kay about it.

Now I’m not going to defend the merits of not shaking hands with the opposite sex. I think it’s stupid myself but Chassidim don’t and they do care about that sort of thing. So what? Sow buttons. Forget the multiculturalism boogeyman, in even the most single race single religion society, you’re going to regularly encounter people with their own wacky peculiriaties. It’s just part of life and if you’re going to be Deputy Mayor, a position that doesn’t call for a whole lot except doing stuff the Mayor doesn’t want to do, you had better get used to it.

This is not a “It’s their culture” PC tirade. It’s their culture is a stupid line but Brenda Hogg wasn’t offended on behalf of women, she was offended on behalf of herself. But so what? Sow buttons. I don’t like shaking hands with anyone myself, men or women. It spreads colds and it’s just disgusting. There are plenty of others who feel the same way, including Donald Trump. There are people who get offended because I won’t shake hands with them. That’s their right, just as it’s my right not to shake hands with them.

What’s my point? My point is that in a free society people are allowed to have their own peculiarities as long as they don’t impose them on others. The moment the Chassidim would have not only refused to shake hands with Brenda Hogg but tried to pass regulations preventing women from shaking hands with men, period, for all Canadians, they would be on the wrong side of the Muslim barrier and then I’d be out there throwing the rocks. But until they do that, they’re just following their own beliefs and in a free society, we all have the right to our own moderate amounts of weirdness.

The Christmas Retard of the Day: Wah Wah China is Freer for Christians than America

As Christmas approaches, the volume of CHRISTMAS RETARDS who keep claiming that any American who celebrates Christmas will get locked up and shot by the Evil Anti-Christmas Forces increases. Like the Liberals who kept claiming that if you disagree with Bush you’ll get shot, these CHRISTMAS RETARDS don’t seem to have the brain cells to process their own stupidity or notice the fact that 90 percent of the country on down is celebrating Christmas and that stores began playing obnoxious Christmas jingles three months ago.


While the country with the most supposed religious freedoms cowers in fear at uttering the phrase Merry Christmas, China, the most oppressive country in the world in regard to religious freedom, joyously proclaims a hearty Merry Christmas to one and all.

Here for your viewing pleasure are Christmas Shoppers in China or as we like to ask in America, “What’s wrong with this picture?”

What’s wrong with this picture? Just that China has no religious freedom you THUNDERING JACKASS. Asian countries incorporate Western holidays as a shopping gesture. Japan has Halloween. It doesn’t mean they believe in witches. Communist Russia had Christmas too, they just removed the Christianity part from it and kept the Santa Claus part, which is all you really see anyway.

Who the BLOODY HELL cowers in fear at the phrase Merry Christmas? Just because stores say HAPPY HOLIDAYS in order to include every single potential shopper with cash to spend doesn’t mean they’re afraid of Christmas. It means they’re trying to maximize their appeal.

If you want a China Christmas so much, why don’t you move there you CHRISTMAS RETARD.

Meanwhile here in America we have a War on Christmas and we have to threaten boycotts to make retailers use the word Christmas in their promotions:

We don’t have a War on Christmas, we have CHRISTMAS WHORES like Bill O’Reilly who in between molesting their staffers and doing highly moral broadcasts about Spring Break pretend there’s a War on Christmas. A war that involves overpaid cashiers not wishing CHRISTMAS RETARDS their Merry Christmas without which their lives are a sodding ruin. Because it ain’t Christmas until that minimum wage checkout girl at Target working to get money for her parents nursing care wishes them a Merry Freaking Christmax and hands over their forty pounds of salami gift wrapped for them.

I am not defending China, it is well known that it still cruelly persecutes Christians

You don’t say, you $%^$&$% moron. Persecutes Christians? No &%^#$%# way. But at least they’ve got Santa, just like every &^%%^%$ American mall does. That must mean they have religious freedom. Oh wait, they *^&$^%%$ don’t.

Religious Freedom means FREEDOM TO WORSHIP. Not Freedom to shop at malls that wish you Merry Jeebusmas. Freedom to worship at the Church of your choice. China doesn’t have that. America Does, you ^%^%& CHRISTMAS RETARD.

When did wishing anyone a Merry Christmas turn into an insult?

A better question is when NOT wishing it turned into an insult. And the answer is when CHRISTMAS WHORES like Bill O’Reilly decided it was so and CHRISTMAS RETARDS like you took him up on it and began whining about not being wished a Merry Christmas even though you don’t even celebrate Christmas in the first bloody place.

I am an Atheist and I proudly wish everyone a Merry Christmas. If you’re not a Christian, then please accept the wish anyway.

And in return please accept my wish of HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What it’s not your birthday? Doesn’t matter. I feel like wishing you happy birthday anyway. And I’m going to. And I want everyone to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY too. Even though it’s not my birthday and I don’t celebrate birthdays anyway. What are you engaged in some kind of WAR ON BIRTHDAYS. I demand my rights. I’ve got a lawyer. Get me Bill O’Reilly out of the shower with his loofah.

Merry Christmas does not mean the wisher wants you to get down on your knees and worship Christ. Merry Christmas simply means “Please enjoy this most festive of seasons. I hope you and your family have joy and good health. May your heart fill with good will toward all men and may there be peace on Earth.”

This is an atheist. This is an atheist after three suborbital lobotomies.

Christmas = Christ. Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings means all that crap about festive seasons and good will. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ, savior of Christians.

Here’s the freaking hilarious part. When the CHRISTMAS RETARD here whines about the watering down of Christmas into Happy Holidays, his justification for it does the same exact thing. Christmas is not for Atheists. It’s for believers in Christ to celebrate his birth. It’s not about vague fuzzy feelings. It’s about the birth of the Christian savior. Watering it down into some vague fuzzy feelings about goodwill is the same thing as substituting HAPPY HOLIDAYS for Merry Christmas.

Not getting that my friend, is why you are a CHRISTMAS RETARD.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if some mother in China is telling her children: “Enjoy Christmas, my little ones, as much as you can, for there are children in America who are starving to hear the words, “Merry Christmas!”

No it would be retarded, just like you’re retarded. Chinese Christians are moving to America so they can have religious freedom, only to be confronted by CHRISTMAS RETARDS who insist that they had more religious freedom in China because the mall Santa has a sign reading Season’s Greetings.

That’s when the Chinese Christian says something like Gungzouh Fai, which means “Stupid Western Idiot” and heads off to the Church of his choice, something he can’t do in China, while the CHRISTMAS RETARD moves to China where he has a choice of one Church, itself controlled by the Chinese Communist party, but he’s got a Santa who actually wishes him Merry Christmas. If only he had a brain to go with it.

Vox Day Reveals That He’s a Moron and that Condoleeza Rice is Jewish

From WorldNetDaily, home of all that’s wacky in Christian Dominionism, comes Vox Day, who after an accident with a government haircut became a libertarian. Vox Day proclaims that Ann Coulter is right. What else did you think he was gonna say?

Ann Coulter, being a Christian, understandably knows her Christian theology rather better than her interlocutor last week, a Jewish gentleman by the name of Donny Deutsch. Apparently Mr. Deutsch hasn’t paid much attention to a best-selling book that has been published a few times over the last few centuries,

Vox Day is confused. I think he means the unauthorized sequel to the bestselling book. With the Old Testament being kind of like Frank Herbert’s Dune and the New Testament being Brian Herbert’s Dune. I mean people buy Brian Herbert’s Dune novels mainly because Frank Herbert hasn’t written any in a while on account of being dead. Also they want to read more about sandworms even if the story doesn’t make sense any more. That’s your New Testament right there.

But the debate was never over Christian theology. It was over how you treat people of other religions and how rudely you can talk about them on national television. Christian theology concerns Christians only. How you treat other religions concerns everyone.

Given that Jesus Christ and all of the apostles were Jews before they were Christians, it shouldn’t exactly have surprised Deutsch or anyone else that Christians view Jews as pre-Christians, incomplete Christians, elder brothers in faith who are errantly awaiting a Messiah who has already come

Some Christians do, some don’t. There’s actually a diversity of theological opinion within Christianity on that. Luckily in between Ron Paul rallies, Vox Day didn’t get the chance to learn that. Maybe he should read more Brian Herbert.

In addition to the ineptness of his analogy, this would appear to be an extraordinarily silly demand, except for the fact that Vanity Fair has recently announced that a remarkable 51 percent of the Vanity Fair 100 Power List are Jewish in a country in which Jews make up approximately two percent of the population. Jews also make up seven percent of the current House of Representatives, 13 percent of the Senate, and, according to John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, authors of “The Israel Lobby,” roughly 100 percent of George W. Bush’s foreign policy advisers.

Also they control the earth from their underground base in the center of the planet. Thankfully though we have Vox Day to inform us that Condoleeza Rice is Jewish. I wouldn’t have known it by looking at her but luckily Ron Paul supporters and the mentally retarded have Vox Day to tell them these things. Also apparently Colin Powell was Jewish.

But here’s the funny thing. Evangelical Christians also exercise electoral power out of proportion to their numbers. So do Mormons and a bunch of other groups. Once you begin complaining about the Jews… well where does it end?

Now Ron Paul supporters exercise even more disproportionate influence online out of relation to their numbers. So really Vox Day is part of the smallest minority around.

as the Israel lobby’s petulant demand for a third Middle East war, this time in explicit defense of Israel rather than U.S. national security, already has the potential to severely divide America’s Jews from the rest of the country, Christians and nonChristians alike.

Yes because the Iranian advisors and weapons killing US Soldiers are in defense of Israel or something. Also when Iran chants Death to America, they really mean Life to America.

Given this irritating behavior, and the historical fact that Jews have worn out their welcome in literally dozens of countries over the centuries,

Jawohl Mein Herr.

it is the height of foolishness for a small number of misguided individuals to demand that 80 percent of the American population remain silent about the tenets of its religious faith.

Here we go again with a few million members of a particular Christian denomination claiming they’re 80 percent of the population. That actually tops Abe Foxman for arrogance.

Christians are dying for their faith in the Sudan, in North Korea, in China, Vietnam and Myanmar; they are not about to shut their mouths simply because a few Jews in the media disapprove of their beliefs.

They’re dying for their beliefs in Sudan and Vox Day is whining about his beliefs in Idaho

And I have more bad news. Miss Coulter only expressed a desire that Jews would recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah, but the truth is that Christians believe that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The only choice for you, me, Richard Deutsch and everyone else is whether to do it now, or do it later.

Actually the choice is whether to toss you a nickel now or keep walking and hope social services takes care of you.

But, until that day arrives, there is no reason why American Jews and American Christians should not get along in perfect amity.

Well yes except for the thing where all these black Jews keep telling Bush what to do. We can’t have that. Also they object when we say they’re heathen pagans and Hitler had the right idea about them after they “wore out their welcome” in Germany.

t is as absurd for Jews to hold modern Christians responsible for the Jews persecuted in medieval times as it was for those medieval Christians to have held those medieval Jews responsible for persecuting them in ancient times

Huh? Did they burn too close to the Christians and singe them maybe?

Despite its flaws, America has been one of the best friends the Jews have ever had. It would not only be a tragedy, it would be a stupid and wasteful one if Americans were provoked into developing the instinctive anti-semitism that currently pervades Europe, the Middle East and so much of the rest of the world.

In other words don’t piss us off with your Black Jewish control of the Presidency and your complaints about our evil talking blonde scarecrow or we’ll begin to hate you… which we already kinda do anyway.

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian opinion columnist. He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA

And is retarded enough to brag about it. A Moron says what? I rest my case.